Life without Stacy has been a bit too quiet. So, on 7/12/2011, Mister M will be coming to live with us.
I'm calling the puppy Mister M for now because Guide Dogs for the Blind will only tell me that the first letter of his name starts with an "M". I don't understand the secrecy, but it sure is fun to get together with friends and try to guess what the puppy's name will be. The last M puppy our club got was Malbec, named after a grape from Argentina. Anyone for Mustard? Mayonnaise? Mischief?
Mister M is a yellow color Labrador / Golden Retriever Cross, born May 15th to Lamar and Jenkins. That makes him Stacy's half sib, since both they were both fathered by Jenkins.
Our plan is to raise up Mister M until he is about 4 months old and can transfer to a person who wants a guide dog puppy who is old enough to be taken in to a workplace. Before 4 months of age, puppies are not allowed to go to the office with us. Since I work from home, I get around that restriction.
So, welcome to the family Mister M!